Want to sell your device?
The fastest way is to come by our shop!
If you are selling to Compco’s retail store: Once the offer is accepted, payment will be made either by cash or check
All customers are required to provide Valid I.D. (Driver’s License)
We do NOT under any circumstances accept stolen, blacklisted, BAD IMEI/ESN, Financed/leased, or iCloud locked devices.
If you’re selling an iPhone, make sure your “Find my iPhone” is turned off.
If you just want to get a range to see how much your device is worth, please fill out the form below. We do not give direct offers over the phone or e-mail, as we must first see the device. However, we are glad to give you a rough range of what we may be able to offer.
We are located at 59 Bedford Street, Stamford, CT 06901